Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thoughts on Meeting with Rob Danielson

I met with Rob Danielson (a man of many histories, one of them a UWM Professor). Rob primarily worked in the Film department with a keen interest in sound work. I met him to pick his brain on the topic of Kenilworth, sound, history....etc. Out of that conversation came some really interesting ideas for use of sound both recorded and live. I really like the ideas we've been having about recorded sound and using them to evoke an interest/emotion/imagination in the experiencer (audience).
There are several evocative concepts that came out of our meeting here are two:

1)I forget the word, but apparently there is a "stamp" (this is the best way that I can describe this word..maybe thumbprint) that each space has in regards to sound. Recording artists have the ability to figure out different places "stamp" and then replicate it outside of that space to give the illusion that you are in that same soundscape. Follow me? If you don't don't worry. I am still confused about it a bit, and in fact, it may be wrong. So, if anyone has commentary or understands this concept better, please intervene. So...if any space has the ability to be "stamped" almost seems like the work we're working with this "stamp" but using movement and text to infuse the "stamp" or bring it to life. I emailed Rob to find out what that term is and if I have the concept right.

Maybe this can be a good title?

2)Rob talked a lot about the kinds of effects of sounds that were happening in the building having real consequences on the body. The constant sound of bending metal, grinding, shaving, hammering, sawing. He mentioned a book written by someone in the modern auto industry having some really powerful testaments to life and work in a factory. Food for thought.

If more information is needed research wise I have looked into and checked out a book on early 20c. Milwaukee Health (stuff)...things relating to the ever riveting "milk sanitation" and the "garbage issues". Don't laugh, they're quite fascinating! I'll speak for myself.
I have also found a pic. of Mayor Maier...and know where to find images of this kind for future reference.


  1. I think the book on factory work would be really great - maybe even pulling text from it for one of the sections with father/mother/william? Can you see if you can track it down?
